A recent post on a threat actor’s Telegram channel claims responsibility for a large-scale cyber operation targeting the personal data of millions of citizens from countries perceived to support Israel. The post names several nations, including the United States, Argentina, Canada, France, India, Israel, South Africa, Italy, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates, as among those affected by the attack.
The threat actor stated that the operation was carried out through the combined efforts of “Moroccan Soldiers” and “Moroccan CyberAliens,” and emphasized that it was aimed at retaliating against those perceived to be in support of Israel.
According to the post, major Israeli companies were also targeted, including Allot, which provides cybersecurity and network intelligence solutions, Balram, a manufacturer of plastic products, and ICL Group, a global chemical company.
In addition, the post claims to have attacked the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), which oversees the country’s domestic intelligence and counterterrorism operations, as well as ARI, a company specializing in water control systems.