A threat actor known as “BlackMeta” has claimed responsibility for a series of alleged cyberattacks that allegedly disrupted critical services across Saudi Arabia. The allegations were posted on a Telegram channel.
BlackMeta claimed that their attacks had taken down the Saudi Telecom Network and its mobile application for three hours.
The group also declared a cyberattack on the Arab National Bank, which allegedly led to disruptions across the bank’s services. The threat actor posted that these attacks had caused thousands of complaints, with collateral damage extending to related entities, including the Arab National Insurance Company and other financial services.
In a subsequent message, the group claimed responsibility for a attack on Mobily, one of Saudi Arabia’s largest telecommunications companies. According to the post, the attack resulted in the disruption of the company’s mobile application, which handles payments, subscriptions, and other services.
The posts also included a brief mention of service disruptions at the French postal service, though no further details were provided.