Amidst the escalating tensions in Gaza, a newly announced coalition, named Criminal Society, has emerged, signaling a collective response from hacktivist groups against what they perceive as the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza. The alliance’s declaration, disseminated across hacktivist networks, underscores the urgent need for coordinated action in the face of what they denounce as the “barbaric actions” of Israel in the Gaza Strip.
In a resolute message, the alliance emphasizes the imperative of uniting the hacktivist community to mount potent cyber campaigns aimed at Israel, its allies, and any entities deemed complicit in perpetuating the ongoing conflict. Framed as a response to the recent surge in violence and the suffering inflicted upon the Palestinian population, Criminal Society aims to consolidate the collective power, ideas, and knowledge of hacktivist groups worldwide. The coalition invites participation from hacktivists across various platforms, urging them to join the Criminal Society Coalition on Telegram as a means to amplify their impact and synchronize their efforts against perceived injustices.
In essence, the emergence of Criminal Society represents a concerted effort within the hacktivist community to confront what they perceive as gross violations of human rights and international law, marking a significant development in the ongoing digital activism landscape amidst the Gaza conflict.