In a recent announcement, a threat actor known as “DuckyMummy” has declared that they successfully breached the security of FrotCom, a renowned provider of intelligent vehicle fleet management and GPS tracking solutions operating across more than 40 countries.
According to DuckyMummy’s assertions, the breach resulted in unauthorized access to FrotCom’s internal systems, encompassing operations in over 40 countries and affecting more than 5,000 companies worldwide. The threat actor alleges to have obtained a comprehensive array of sensitive data from the breached systems.
The information purportedly available for sale includes GPS IMEI numbers, real-time vehicle tracking data, billing details, email addresses, phone numbers, license plate numbers, fuel consumption records, and various other company-related information. DuckyMummy has indicated a willingness to provide samples of live GPS vehicle tracking information sorted by country to potential buyers.
Additionally, as evidence of the breach, the threat actor claims to possess access to company accounts, offering to share login credentials (without passwords, which are to be provided post-purchase). The price for access to this trove of information is set at a minimum of $5,000, with interested parties instructed to contact DuckyMummy directly.