A data breach involving AMD has been announced by threat actors identified as @IntelBroker and @EnergyWeaponUser. Allegedly occurring on August 25, 2024, this breach is separate from previous incidents linked to AMD. The attackers claim to have obtained internal communications from AMD, including data from platforms like “idmprod.xilinx.com” and “amdsso.okta.com.”
The compromised data reportedly contains a range of sensitive information such as case numbers, user credentials, case descriptions, and internal resolutions. The data headers mentioned include assignment groups, symptom codes, and various internal review statuses. The attackers have provided a sample of the breached data, including details like “assignment_group,” “case_number,” and “username.”
The threat actors have stated they are willing to share further proof or screenshots upon request, sparking concerns over the potential impact on AMD’s operations and customer trust. This breach adds to a growing list of cyberattacks targeting major corporations, underscoring the persistent and evolving threat landscape faced by global companies.