Several threat actors were publishing messages on their Telegram channels, indicating that they were targeting Spain for several days. Recently, they shared new messages, allegedly attacked more Spanish organizations.
Spanish organizations were being targeted due to Spain’s NATO membership and the recent arrest of cybercriminals linked to NoName057(16).
The Holy League Telegram channel talked about targeting Spain. According to the message, they were able to break into the servers of one of the Spanish providers.
The latest alleged victims of NoName057(16) were as follows according to the threat actor’s telegram channel.
- Bergé Logistics Logistics and Transportation
- Authorization on Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya railway company portal
- Cartagena port
- Palma de Mallorca Port
- Port A Coruña
- Port of Huelva
Народная CyberАрмия on the other hand shared a Telegram message, allegedly targeted The Port of Malaga.