A threat actor under the moniker SGK202024 has recently posted on a dark web forum offering stolen data from two major breaches.
The first involves a significant leak of WeChat user information, including 300 million IDs paired with mobile numbers, available for $300 in various cryptocurrencies. A sample of 1 million records is provided as a sample. Additionally, the actor is selling 1.13 billion Chinese mobile numbers alongside IMEI numbers for $250, with the same sample offer.
The second breach involves a UnionPay database containing 630 million entries with comprehensive personal details such as full names, mobile numbers, gender, date of birth, ID card numbers, addresses, and bank card numbers. The actor offers samples of this data as well. The threat actor pricing the first two copies of the alleged leak at $1,000 each and subsequent ones at $2,000, with escrow accepted. As of the post, no copies have been sold.