The threat actor group known as LulzSec Muslims has made a series of claims on their Telegram channel. The group asserts that they pressured the Argentine government into a ransom situation concerning sensitive military and police data. Following this, they allege that Argentina retaliated by attacking their Dark Web site. Additionally, their Telegram channel was deleted. Despite these actions, the group has vowed to continue their cyber operations, stating that their attacks will persist “until the Day of Judgment.”
LulzSec Muslims criticized Argentina’s cybersecurity measures, suggesting that the country’s defense systems were inadequate and resorted to blocking and attacking their digital assets to curb the group’s activities. The threat actors highlighted their continued threat to release sensitive military data, which they claim includes information on 45,000 individuals, along with police records.
The group has set a deadline of five days for Argentina to meet their ransom demands, threatening to publish the stolen data if their demands are not met. They have also linked their demands to Argentina’s support for “the Zionist entity”.