A threat actor, identified as Chucky, has claimed responsibility for leaking a database from Astagiudiziaria.com. The leaked database reportedly contains a staggering 10 million rows of data, compromising sensitive information such as names, surnames, addresses, emails, dates of birth, and more.
The leaked data is structured with the following columns:
ID: Unique identifier for each entry.
Institution ID (idistituto)
Type (tipo)
First Name (nome)
Last Name (cognome)
Corporate Name (ragione_sociale)
VAT Number (partita_iva)
Tax Code (codice_fiscale)
Person Type (tipo_persona)
Address (indirizzo)
House Number (civico)
Postal Code (cap)
City (citta)
Province (provincia)
Phone Number (telefono)
Cell Phone (cellulare)
Fax Number (fax)
Email (email)
Place of Birth (luogo_nascita)
Date of Birth (data_nascita)
Request Date (data_richiesta)
Document Type (tipo_documento)
Document Number (numero_documento)
Companion (accompagnatore)
Procedure Number (numero_procedura)
Lot Number (numero_lotto)
Sale Date (data_vendita)
Title (titolo)
Permalink (permalink)
Attachments (allegati)
Exported (esportato)
Exported Date (esportato_il)
The format of the leaked data is in .SQL, and the breach is dated 2024. This extensive breach raises significant concerns regarding data privacy and security, potentially exposing affected individuals to various risks such as identity theft, phishing attacks, and spam.