In a cyber incident, a threat actor has claimed responsibility for a major data breach involving HopSkipDrive, a rideshare company that connects families with experienced drivers. According to the hackers, the breach occurred in June 2023, compromising the company’s network and cloud infrastructure, and resulting in the exposure of sensitive personal information belonging to the company’s drivers.
The threat actor claims that the compromised data encompasses a total of 60,000 folders, each corresponding to an individual user, containing detailed personal information such as driving licenses, insurance documents, vehicle inspection records, and more.
The threat actor alleges that they have made public 500GB of sensitive information, including:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Home Address
- Zip Code
- Country
- Source Code (including private admin panel and other source code)
- Driving License (DL)
- Insurance Details
- Vehicle Inspection Records
- Selfie Photos
- Criminal Records