Qilin Ransomware, notorious for its cyberattacks, has targeted two prominent organizations, Edlong and Holstein Association USA. Edlong, established in 1914, is renowned for its customized flavor development and dairy ingredient services, catering to a wide range of clients. Headquartered in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, Edlong’s services encompass flavor creation, culinary support, regulatory compliance, and supply chain optimization.
Similarly, Holstein Association USA, Inc., headquartered in Brattleboro, Vermont, is pivotal in the dairy industry, offering a spectrum of products and services aimed at enhancing genetics and bolstering the profitability of Holstein cattle. With approximately 30,000 members across the United States, the association manages the records for Registered Holstein® and provides various consulting services.
In their announcement, Qilin Ransomware disclosed that they have successfully infiltrated both organizations’ networks. Specifically, they claim to have accessed extensive confidential data from Holstein Association USA, including research findings, genetic experiments, and personal information of employees, clients, partners, and financial records. The breach poses significant security and privacy concerns for the affected organizations and underscores the escalating threats posed by cybercriminals.